Novo Detox is a treatment center with a detox and inpatient rehab facility that is fully accredited by The Joint Commission, the California Department of Health Care Services, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

We are the best detox and rehab center for addiction for Atlanta, Georgia residents because we have a full staff of caring and empathetic, dedicated experts available to our patients 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our drug and alcohol detox and rehabilitation programs have a high recovery rating, with our patients avoiding the ping-pong effect.

Why patients choose detox & rehab programs at Novo?

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Focus on safety & comfort

Novo Detox LA| Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation at Novo Detox in Los Angeles

24/7 supervised detox

Novo Detox LA| Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation at Novo Detox in Los Angeles

Top Rated facility

Novo Detox LA| Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation at Novo Detox in Los Angeles

Effective treatment

Novo Detox LA| Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation at Novo Detox in Los Angeles

Healthy meals

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Quick admissions

Novo Detox LA| Novo Detox in Los Angeles

Evidence-based Therapy

Novo Detox LA| Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation at Novo Detox in Los Angeles

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MAT Addiction Treatment in Atlanta

MAT Atlanta addiction treatment center

When you are dealing with addiction in your day-to-day life, it can feel like an inescapable cycle. When you are using the drugs, you are not suffering withdrawal symptoms but may be intoxicated and unable to function properly at work, at school, and at home. You may start to isolate yourself from friends and family, spend more time with other drug users, or stay at the pub with other drinkers, which can cause breakdowns in relationships. You may also start acting differently, participating in riskier behavior, violence, stealing, and missing work due to intoxication or hangovers.

Even if you realize that drugs and alcohol are becoming a problem in your life, the physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms that come with quitting can be a huge barrier. For some people, this is the only thing standing in the way of quitting, as intense pain, anxiety, nausea, and drug cravings can make it feel impossible to do anything but use drugs again. For others, it is simply too dangerous to quit on their own because the withdrawal symptoms from substances like benzodiazepines and alcohol can be deadly or cause brain damage without medical care under strict doctor supervision.

This cycle causes people to feel trapped in addiction, with no way out. This is why medication-assisted treatment (MAT) programs exist. A MAT program will provide you with FDA-approved, prescription medications that are given out on a carefully managed schedule by your doctor or within a medication-management program at a licensed clinic. The timeline, the medications, and the additional care provided vary between centers and the substance(s) you are quitting, but you will likely also have a treatment plan that includes regular doctor visits, behavioral therapy, group therapy, and other treatments to help you overcome the underlying causes of addiction and learn recovery skills like relapse prevention and stress management.

It is important to remember that it is not your fault that you cannot stop substance abuse on your own without professional help. Drugs change the brain’s operations, and many addictions are not something you can willpower your way out of. Even the strongest person, when addicted to a drug like heroin, will require some form of therapy, medication, and other treatments to be able to quit and stay sober long-term.

At Novo Detox, we can help you through your initial acute detox phase, provide you with a long-term MAT program customized to your needs along with medication management services, a 30- to 90-day inpatient rehab program to get you on the path to sobriety, and long-term connections to helpful addiction resources, sober homes, outpatient rehab programs including partial hospitalization programs and intensive outpatient programs. We will set you up for success so you can break free from the cycle of addiction and get on with living your life as you want it to be.


What Is MAT?

Medication-assisted treatment is a comprehensive plan designed to let patients who are addicted to substances like opioid drugs (heroin, oxycodone, fentanyl, morphine, etc.) and benzodiazepines (Xanax, Ativan, etc.) slowly taper off their use. Prescription doses of medications will be provided on a doctor-approved schedule, helping patients begin the process of recovery while in rehab and beyond without suffering the discomfort, fear, and cravings that come with quitting these substances.

Opioid drugs are some of the most difficult drugs to quit because the withdrawal symptoms feel so awful. These types of drugs affect the way the brain operates, and the cravings and other symptoms can last a long time, sometimes months. Starting on a methadone program or another MAT treatment plan can remove these issues as you begin your rehab journey, allowing you to focus on recovery rather than discomfort and pain. Opioid MAT programs can last for months, or even years, providing maintenance doses to keep withdrawal at bay as you regain control over the other aspects of your life. Over time, a slow tapering-off of the dosage will help your body adjust without distress until you have completed the program.

In the case of benzodiazepine drugs, a slow taper is always needed, even if you have been using them for only a few months, because an abrupt cessation can cause seizures and other serious medical problems. The withdrawal symptoms from benzos can also return weeks or even months after detoxing is over, so a longer-term stay in inpatient rehab during and after MAT is often recommended.


MAT programs are also utilized for alcohol rehabilitation after a full medical detox is complete. Drugs like disulfiram are given to help those with alcohol use disorder stay away from drinking during the first few months of recovery, making the act of drinking a painful, unpleasant experience. This changes the brain’s positive associations with alcohol into negative ones, diminishing the connection in the brain’s reward system to drinking.

Medication-assisted treatment is a good start to recovery, but it is not a cure for addiction. You will still need to attend an inpatient and/or outpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation program. A MAT treatment plan will keep you feeling healthy and better able to take in the lessons and treatments gained in rehab.

During rehab, you will address the social, behavioral, psychological, and emotional components of addiction, healing the body, mind, and spirit in a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your preferences and needs. Some rehabs also offer alternative holistic treatments like yoga, meditation, acupuncture, massage, etc. A whole-patient approach to healing that offers evidence-based therapies and works on the underlying roots of addiction will give you the best chance at staying sober long-term.

You may also want to join 12-step or SMART recovery groups, meet up with alumni, and start attending local sober events after rehab to stay connected with your local sober community for additional support from people who get where you are coming from.

What to Expect During MAT?

It is normal to feel a bit nervous about entering a MAT program for the first time, especially if you do not know what to expect. During MAT, you will have the option of living at home or moving into a sober living home, but the most recommended course of action is to move into an inpatient rehab facility, which will keep you away from the temptation to use again and will provide you with a supportive community in a clean and safe environment. The first few months of recovery are the most vulnerable, and spending them inside a treatment center can make all the difference in your success.

The first thing that will happen is you will undergo a professional evaluation by a team that will consist of doctors, nurses, addiction experts, and/or therapists, who will help you figure out what your options are after figuring out what types of treatments will work best for your individual needs. They will give you all the information and will work with you to determine what will best suit your physical health needs, your practical needs (inpatient vs. outpatient treatment, etc.), your insurance coverage, and your budget. You will then begin your treatment, which will be individualized to your needs, with regular doctor visits, therapy, counseling, educational programs, and more as you start the work to overcome your addiction.

Why Choose Novo Detox For Medically Assisted Treatment for Addiction?

Novo Detox is a small, 6-bed inpatient facility offering personalized care and plenty of one-on-one attention including medical detox services, MAT programs with medication management, and inpatient rehab. You will move in for a predetermined amount of time, usually 1 to 3 months, staying in the treatment center day and night. We provide 24-hour medical care and oversight, delicious healthy food, a comfortable place to sleep, and a safe, welcoming environment.

Our team comprises doctors, nurses, therapists, psychiatrists, counselors, and other licensed and experienced specialists. Your days will be filled with interesting and useful treatments, therapy, and plenty of downtime as well, so you can rest and heal. You will start on your prescription medication plan right away, so you can avoid suffering from withdrawal symptoms. You can join in on treatment and start the necessary work as you begin your journey to recovery.

We provide medication-assisted treatments with medications like Suboxone, Subutex, and benzodiazepine tapers, along with medical care, psychiatric care, education, and other treatments like:

  • Behavioral therapy
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Exercise programs
  • Holistic treatments
  • Dual diagnosis
  • Group therapy
  • One-on-one therapy
  • Relapse prevention programs
  • Case management services and aftercare planning

You will live within our comfortable, luxury treatment center, and once your time with us is complete, we will be happy to refer you to further addiction treatment in Atlanta, support systems, and recovery resources including intensive outpatient programs, sober living homes, and virtual care.

We have a fast admissions process and are available 24 hours a day, so if you are serious and ready to quit drinking and using drugs for good, call us now. A medication-assisted treatment will give you a head start, and our comprehensive and integrated rehabilitation programs will help you heal, change, and grow into the sober person you want to be.


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