Personalized Medical Detox Services
in Los Angeles, California

Novo Detox Center provides top-quality safe medical detox services in a comfortable, compassionate environment in Los Angeles, California. Customized medical detox programs based on your Bio-Genetic metabolic profile.

*The average length of stay could vary from 3 to 14 days.

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We provide customized care tailored to your unique constitution which assists us in determining if you are a rapid, normal or poor metabolizer based on your genetically inherited and acquired variations. This is crucial in knowing which medications are most effective for you, not only through detox treatment but for the rest of your life.

  • Programs are designed to safely remove the accumulated toxic substances from your body while simultaneously increasing your response to treatment and decreasing any side effects, toxic level of medications or lack of efficacy.
  • Your length of stay will depend solely on your medical, mental, physical and emotional needs.

Upon admissions a thorough bio-psychsocial assessment, lab work, history and physical will be given by our attending physician and nurse.

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation at Novo Detox in Los Angeles

Enjoy organic, healthy, and nutritional meals with individual nutritional counseling.

We assist you in learning natural, daily coping techniques.

  • Vegetable & fruit juices, healthy smoothies.
  • We provide holistic therapies such as acupuncture, herbology counseling, reflexology, detox massages, QiGong, Tai Chi, Yoga, stretching and meditation.
Novo detox center in Los Angeles

Detox in the comfort and safety at NOVO.

We at Novo Detox believe that you should receive state of the art medical detox services that emphasize your medical safety, comfort and nourishment by providing outstanding professional expertise, cutting edge science, proven detox medicines, holistic therapies and efficiency without sacrificing any aspect of your personal comfort, dignity or sense of self. As your needs change 24/7 throughout your detox stay, our medical team will monitor and implement changes to your personal plan to provide you with the utmost comfort, safety, security and support that you will rarely find in other detox centers.

Your comfort during your detox stay with us is essential, therefore we believe that your success is enhanced when you are able to communicate with your family, friends or colleagues for additional support during your stay with us.

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We accept most private
& commercial insurances

Call Today (844) 834-1777 Verify Your Insurance
health care services
Novo Detox Center Los Angeles
Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Novo Detox Center Los Angeles