Personalized Drug & Alcohol Detox Programs
in Los Angeles, California
Novo Detox Center provides comprehensive medical detox services in a comfortable, safe environment in Los Angeles, California. All of our medical detox programs are custom-tailored to each individual client to address his or her unique needs.
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We provide individualized care that is tailored to the individual by determining which treatment methods will be most effective and then developing a program around them. This is a crucial step in the recovery process, not only in the context of detox treatment, but to ensure each client can achieve lasting sobriety and live a healthy, fulfilling life.
At Novo, our medical detox programs are designed to safely and effectively remove the toxic substances from your body while simultaneously providing the comprehensive care and holistic therapies to decrease adverse side effects, maximize comfort, and build a strong foundation for recovery. The length of stay at our programs varies, and it is based on individual progress along with the medical, mental, physical and emotional needs of each client.