Novo Detox is a treatment center with a detox and inpatient rehab facility that is fully accredited by The Joint Commission, the California Department of Health Care Services, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

We are the best detox and rehab center for addiction for Dallas, Texas residents because we have a full staff of caring and empathetic, dedicated experts available to our patients 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our drug and alcohol detox and rehabilitation programs have a high recovery rating, with our patients avoiding the ping pong effect.

Why patients choose detox & rehab programs at Novo?

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Focus on safety & comfort

Novo Detox LA| Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation at Novo Detox in Los Angeles

24/7 supervised detox

Novo Detox LA| Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation at Novo Detox in Los Angeles

Top Rated facility

Novo Detox LA| Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation at Novo Detox in Los Angeles

Effective treatment

Novo Detox LA| Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation at Novo Detox in Los Angeles

Healthy meals

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Quick admissions

Novo Detox LA| Novo Detox in Los Angeles

Evidence-based Therapy

Novo Detox LA| Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation at Novo Detox in Los Angeles

Great locations Nationwide

Drug Rehab Near Me: Top Rated Drug Rehab in Dallas

Drug addiction is a challenging disease partly because it’s something that impacts every person differently. Therefore, you must partner with an addiction treatment center offering the individualized care you need when you’re ready to tackle your substance abuse issues. When you decide to work with the drugs and alcohol experts at Novo that is exactly what you will find. As a top-rated rehab facility in Dallas Texas, we offer various levels of care to ensure that you have the structure you need to work through all of the contributing factors of your addiction once and for all.


Best Drug Rehab Center for Dallas Residents

As one of the best drug rehab centers for Dallas residents, our goal is to provide every client with the personalized care needed to work through their addiction’s contributing factors. We take the time to learn more about how addiction has impacted their life and help them to develop a plan so that this serious disease is not something that interrupts their life going forward.

Types of Addiction Treatment For Drug Addiction We Offer

At Novo Detox, we focus on providing our clients with the personalized attention that they need as they face the challenges that often come with working through a drug or alcohol treatment program. We offer a variety of levels of care so that they can find the program that works right for them. It’s important to remember that before you can meaningfully commit to addiction treatment, there is a possibility that you may need to first work through one of our detox programs. Doing so will give you the support you need as you initially feel the impact of withdrawal symptoms and provide you with the professional help you need. Once you’re done with your detox program, you will be in a better place physically and psychologically to commit to an individual treatment plan.

Inpatient Drug Rehab

Countless people feel that the only way to work through their addiction is to change the people, places, and things around them. This type of setting is something you will find in an inpatient drug rehab in Philadelphia. Clients that take advantage of this form of treatment will be able to live on the campus of our treatment facility and enjoy the around-the-clock care from our recovery team.

Outpatient Drug Rehab

Simply because you’re unable to commit to residential inpatient treatment doesn’t mean you cannot receive the help and care you need regarding your drug addiction. Instead of working through an inpatient drug rehab, you can commit to one of our outpatient treatment programs. Outpatient treatment is a suitable option for an individual that has full-time work or school responsibilities or simply doesn’t feel comfortable with the premise of inpatient care.

Heroin Rehab

Heroin is an example of an opioid drug that is made from morphine. Heroin can be particularly dangerous due to the way that it’s consumed. It’s something that can either be smoked, snorted, or injected directly into the bloodstream.

Meth Rehab

A person who consumes meth may experience a temporary sense of euphoria or alertness which goes hand in hand with how addictive this substance is. Meth changes the very chemistry of your brain and can cause serious physical consequences.

Benzo Rehab

Benzos are also commonly referred to as tranquilizers or downers. Xanax is an example of a benzo, which is often prescribed to an individual who may experience anxiety and needs a way to manage the impact of anxiety on their life.

Prescription Drug Rehab

Although a person may begin to consume prescription drugs at the direction of their doctor, a serious addiction can develop if their prescription drug use goes unchecked. When you reach out for help with your prescription drug addiction, you must provide our team with your drug of choice and your current usage.

Cocaine Rehab

Cocaine is another example of a highly addictive illegal substance. Cocaine is a stimulant, which means that you may feel an influx of energy while under its influence. However, similar to many other drugs, when the effects of the drug wear off, your mind and your body will be left craving more.

How Long Is Rehab?

One of the great things about working with the Novo Detox team is that we help you to personalize your addiction treatment plan. Therefore, you will control the length of your time in rehab. On average, drug rehab is something that lasts anywhere between 30 and 90 days.

What Is Rehab Like?

The focus of your time in rehab will revolve around working through the contributing factors of your addiction. A major part of addiction recovery is participating in addiction therapy. While it’s true that addiction therapy is something that can feel awkward or uncomfortable at times, doing so will help you to come to the root cause of your addiction. At Novo Detox, our treatment programs include different forms of therapy so that you’re able to heal holistically. When you’re not participating in addiction therapies, you will have the opportunity to take advantage of our facility’s relaxing amenities. If there is anything our team can do to make your stay with us more successful, please let us know and we will do everything that we can to accommodate.

12-Step Drug Rehab in Dallas

The 12 steps are something that you will hear quite frequently during the time that you’re in treatment. In many ways, they will be the basis of your recovery program as they will take you through the recognitions that you need to make in yourself and guide you through your recovery.

Executive Drug Rehab in Dallas

Executive drug rehab is something that is specifically designed for a person that has full-time work responsibilities. We understand that you have certain responsibilities that you need to see to. Therefore, we do everything we can to ensure that you have the structure to work through your addiction without feeling as though your job or livelihood is at risk.

Breathwork Therapy

Did you know that how you breathe could help you through the times when you’re experiencing challenges due to your addiction? Breathwork therapy will help you learn breathing techniques that can help you through a situation filled with anxiety and stress so that you don’t feel as though you need to turn to use your substance of choice.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy can be incredibly beneficial in that you will learn different ways and strategies to help you better manage the anxiety or stress that may have led to your substance abuse. This therapy form will help you recognize these detrimental behaviors and change them.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

The focus of dialectical behavioral therapy will be to help you work through the harmful behaviors you may have developed during your life and when you were under the influence of your drug of choice. During this form of therapy, you will learn what steps you need to take to engage in a better and healthier way of living.

Family Systems Therapy

Unfortunately, one of the aspects of your life that may be impacted by your substance abuse is your connection with your family. Family members may start to back away from their relationship with you because it may be too painful or overwhelming for them to see you under the influence of your substance of choice. However, through family therapy, you can begin to redevelop the relationship that you once had with your loved ones. During family therapy, you and your loved ones can have open and honest communication and begin to develop a way that will help bring you back together as a family, which can help to aid you in your recovery process.

Trauma-Informed Therapy

The genesis of drug addiction for many people revolves around experiencing some form of trauma. Trauma can be something that is challenging to work through, however, when you’re able to take steps to overcome this trauma, you will see that these experiences are not something that will control your life anymore.

Why Choose Novo Detox For Drug Rehab in Dallas?

As one of the top rehab centers in Dallas, you can rest assured that you will receive the comprehensive level of care needed to sustain your long-term recovery goals. Whether you need to begin your recovery in one of our detox programs or you’re ready to commit to some form of individual treatment, you can rest assured that you will receive the customized care needed to overcome your substance abuse challenges. For more information about our drug or alcohol treatment plans, we encourage you to take the first step and reach out to us for more information.

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