One of the most commonly abused drugs in America, Darvocet is a pain medication that contains both acetaminophen and propoxyphene. It is the propoxyphene in Darvocet that is highly addictive. This is especially true when the drug is consumed at a higher dosage than recommended. Although no longer on the controlled substances list as it was removed from the market, Darvocet was a schedule IV controlled substance. It is an opiate with a high risk of dependency. This dependency can lead to unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.

Darvocet was pulled from the market in the United States and Europe, due to its risk of heart problems. Serious changes to the heart’s natural rhythm were observed even in those taking normal doses. Unfortunately, this drug is still available through illegal channels, which allows people to support their habit.

Initial signs of dependency include an uncomfortable feeling when off of the drug for any length of time. These uncomfortable feelings include irritability, nausea, and headaches. This is the beginning of withdrawal from Darvocet. When these unpleasant feelings arise, the urge to consume more of the drug grows and this leads to dependency or Darvocet addiction.

What is Darvocet Withdrawal?

As Darvocet is removed from the body through the body’s own natural detox process, symptoms ranging from mild to severe occur. This process is called Darvocet withdrawal. This can be a challenge to the sufferer due to the withdrawal symptoms. Relapse is common for those who attempt to go it alone, on their own at home, and physical problems are possible. Medical detox is the safest route. For many, rehabilitation begins with medical detox.

When opioids like Darvocet are taken, a cascade of chemical reactions begins in the body. Specifically, dopamine is released and this feel-good chemical reduces the sensation of pain. The body responds to this flood of dopamine by reducing the production of it. As the body makes less dopamine naturally, the user relies more and more on the drug. Once the user stops taking Darvocet, there is less dopamine in the body naturally and it can feel like there is nothing but pain for the one going through withdrawal. Severe illness and withdrawal symptoms are the results.

Withdrawal symptoms can begin as quickly as four hours after the last dose was taken. It can take up to 72 hours for all of the Darvocet to leave the body, but withdrawal symptoms can last much longer than that. A few weeks is normal. Although symptoms can last longer, they will eventually subside as the brain re-establishes balance.

Even after physical dependence on Darvocet is over, psychological dependence must be addressed. Counseling and therapy can be helpful during this stage. The user has the habit of relying on the drug to blunt their emotional ups and downs, so new habits and coping mechanisms must be learned.

Darvocet Withdrawal Symptoms

If you suspect that someone you know may be going through withdrawal from Darvocet it can be helpful to have an understanding of the symptoms. The following list is not exhaustive, but it is a good summary of the most common symptoms.

  • Irritability Overreacting to minor frustrations, lack of patience with others, the inability to deal with anything mildly upsetting.
  • Pain Headaches, body aches, generalized pain without a specific source or cause.
  • Nausea Upset stomach, vomiting, dry heaves.
  • Fatigue Extreme lethargy, not having the energy to care for oneself.
  • Sweating Intense, profuse sweating for no discernible reason.
  • Drug Seeking A strong desire for more of the drug, faking or creating injury to oneself.
  • Constipation This is a common side effect of opiates and takes time to wear off.
  • Insomnia The inability to fall asleep or stay asleep.
  • Restlessness Feeling like one has to constantly keep moving or stay active.
  • Tremors Uncontrolled movement of a limb or part of the body.
  • Hallucinations Seeing or hearing things that are not there.
  • Seizures Resulting from abnormal electrical activity in the brain as it adjusts to the absence of the drug.

Medically supervised rehab can help alleviate these withdrawal symptoms through medication. This is especially important in the case of a drug like Darvocet, since it has been removed from the market due to its risk, and its use must be stopped immediately. Slowly weaning off this drug is not recommended, but other treatments can help ease the withdrawal symptoms that result from quitting all at once.

Darvocet Detox

In order to overcome an addiction to Darvocet, it is necessary to detox. This refers to the body’s process of eliminating any trace of the drug in its system. It also includes the period of healing that follows withdrawal from the drug.

After using Darvocet, the body and brain adapt to it. In order for necessary body functions (like breathing) not to be depressed and stopped while using the drug, the body adjusts by stimulating certain parts of the brain. Once the user is no longer taking the drug, these parts of the brain are over stimulated. It takes time for the brain to re-balance. This over-stimulation is what results in the sleeplessness, irritability, tremors and even seizures that can occur as withdrawal symptoms.

It also takes time for the body to begin producing dopamine again at normal levels. The lack of this feel-good chemical leads to pain and even depression. The re-calibration of the brain and body processes is also part of detox, and it continues after all traces of Darvocet have been metabolized.


It is difficult to accomplish Darvocet detox on one’s own. Relapse rates for those overcoming a Darvocet addiction are high. Fortunately, addiction treatment has advanced and there is help for those with drug dependency.

Treatment is tailored to the individual in medically supervised rehabilitation. Those in recovery may have specialized needs, such as other physical, mental or emotional issues. Recovery is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Each individual will have obstacles and challenges unique to their experience, and skilled rehab professionals recognize this.

Fortunately, treatment options are available and accessible for addiction to Darvocet. At Novo Detox, customized medical detox programs are created for each individual’s specific needs and treatment goals. Give us a call at (844)834-1777 or send us a message today for more information.

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