7 Benefits of Alcohol Detox in Los Angeles

Alcohol Detox in Los Angeles: Dangers of Alcohol Withdrawal Without Medical Help
If you are considering quitting alcohol but are worried about what the withdrawal symptoms may be like or if it is even safe to detox from alcohol alone, we will be exploring the benefits of a medical alcohol detox in Los Angeles so you understand why it’s important to get professional help with your detox instead of going it alone.
An extensive study by The Lancet revealed that alcohol was the most dangerous and harmful substance – even more harmful and dangerous than heroin and crack cocaine. The study looked at the harm that drugs and alcohol had on the person, their community, and society as a whole. While people can enjoy a drink without fearing that they will become addicted to alcohol, some people have more addiction risk factors that can make them especially susceptible to alcohol dependence and alcohol use disorder.
Alcohol dependence is created through repeated abuse of alcohol and eventually, you will experience withdrawal symptoms which range from mild to severe if you try to stop drinking. This physical dependence is essentially the result of your body adjusting to alcohol, changing its function until you need alcohol to maintain this new balance.
Medical alcohol detox in Los Angeles offered at Novo is a way for you to get medical help for your withdrawal symptoms, including using FDA-approved medications to manage and reduce your symptoms. A medical detox for alcohol addiction is especially important because, while rarer, if the most severe form of alcohol withdrawal symptoms occurs known as delirium tremens, then medical care will be needed immediately to prevent potentially fatal outcomes.
13 Signs Someone Needs Alcohol Detox
So, how do you know whether or not you have alcohol dependence and need a medical detox for alcohol? The most dangerous withdrawal symptoms, delirium tremens, are difficult to predict and if you have an alcohol dependence, it’s always advised that you seek medical care before attempting to quit.
Some of the signs that you or someone you care about may need a medical alcohol detox in Los Angeles at accredited detox centers such as Novo include the following:
- Developed a tolerance to alcohol resulting in you needing increasingly higher amounts of alcohol
- When you’ve tried to stop before you couldn’t because of your withdrawal symptoms and cravings
- You believe that you are addicted to alcohol
- You have prior medical conditions that may complicate your detox
- You don’t have a space, medically supported space to detox
- Frequently binge and heavy drink for an extended period of time
- Your health and mental well-being are being negatively affected by alcohol
- You can no longer control how much or how often you drink
- Much of your time is spent getting more alcohol, getting drunk, and recovering from the aftereffects
- Alcohol abuse has disrupted your work and relationships
- You drink in dangerous situations or your drinking puts you into dangerous situations
- If you’re over the age of 65
- History of seizures
These signs can all be indicators that alcohol use disorder has developed and with an addiction comes a physical reliance on alcohol due to the physically addictive properties. Getting a medical detox for alcohol in Los Angeles at Novo Detox can help you safely manage your withdrawal symptoms in a medical space where any problem can be dealt with immediately.

How Does Alcohol Detox Work?
Alcohol use disorder or alcohol addiction has a component of physical dependence that must be addressed. Your body has become used to alcohol and adjusted its function to manage the alcohol that is constantly in your system. Once your body adjusts, it will continue to need alcohol to maintain this new balance and when alcohol use stops, the body’s imbalance causes withdrawal symptoms which are essentially the effects of an imbalance in your GAGA and glutamate system that regulates relaxation and stress or anxiety.
In an alcohol detox in Los Angeles at Novo Detox, medications that are approved by the FDA will be provided to you to help you through your symptoms. The most common medications during detox for alcohol include naltrexone, disulfiram, methadone, and acamprosate. These medications help you wean off the effects of alcohol at a safer, more controlled pace to help manage withdrawal symptoms. You may also be given over-the-counter medication and various vitamins and minerals to help you with milder symptoms and to improve your recovery.
You will spend roughly 5 to 10 days in a medical detox, giving your body enough time to readjust its functions. Symptoms tend to start within the first day of detox and can reach their peak in 2 to 3 days. By the fifth day and beyond, you’ll feel much better and be ready for the next step in your addiction recovery process which is to deal with the underlying causes of your alcohol use disorder.

Alcohol Detox Los Angeles: 7 Benefits of Medically-Supervised Alcohol Detox
The benefits of a medically-supervised alcohol detox in Los Angeles at an accredited addiction treatment center such as Novo Detox are many and using the professional service can save lives. The following are some of the notable benefits of a medical detox program for alcohol:
- It starts recovery on the right foot, increasing your chance for long-term recovery
- It can save lives because of the very dangerous delirium tremens symptoms that may occur
- It helps you to more easily deal with your withdrawal symptoms and cravings
- You are supported through the whole process by caring staff members and healthcare workers that understand what you are going through
- It gives you an alcohol-free environment to recover in that helps to prevent relapse
- It helps to reduce fear and anxiety over stopping because it’s a safe, professional environment
- Ensures your safe recovery should prior medical conditions cause complications
What’s the Next Step After Alcohol Detox?
Alcohol detox only treats the dependence that your body has formed on alcohol and not the real causes of why you abused alcohol in the first place. Therefore, a medical detox is just the first step in recovery and further therapy and treatment are needed to help achieve long-term addiction recovery results. After detox, you’ll want to further your treatment in an inpatient or outpatient alcohol rehab program. You’ll receive behavioral therapy treatment that will help uncover the causes of your addiction. We may also discover that a co-occurring mental health disorder is causing your substance abuse and then provide you with treatment for your addiction and co-occurring mental health disorder.
Novo in Los Angeles Is a Top Provider of Alcohol Detox Programs
Novo Detox is an accredited addiction treatment center with world-class alcohol detox programs available to residents of Los Angeles. We provide you with not only the important medical detox program to start your recovery but can also provide you with comprehensive addiction treatment programs that guide you through your recovery.
Find help for alcohol addiction through our medical detox program for alcohol dependence by calling Novo Detox today at (844) 834-1777.