Drug Detox Los Angeles: How to Get Ready for Treatment

February 6, 2023 | Addiction Treatment , Detox

Novo Detox LA| Drug Detox Los Angeles

Drug Detox Los Angeles: 6 Things to Know About the Purpose of Drug Detox

Getting professional help for addiction is a major first step in recovery. Whether you’ve been putting it off or not, addiction is a mental health disorder that often needs professional help to overcome because of the complex nature of the mental health disorder known as substance use disorder. One of the first things you’ll have to do in rehab is a drug detox Los Angeles residents can count on, such as Novo Detox.

A drug detox program or medical detox program provides people with drug dependence a way to overcome their withdrawal symptoms so that they aren’t constantly hounded by cravings and intense symptoms when trying to stop. Medical detox uses specialized medication to treat the various symptoms of different drugs, including stimulants, opioids, and depressants. This means that you can get professional help for drugs such as prescription medication, heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine, meth, and other designer drugs that are also physically addictive.

Novo Detox can give you the best drug detox Los Angeles offers to help you start your recovery journey. We have rapid admissions allowing you to start your drug detox program in as little as 24 hours. Once you’ve decided to get professional help for your substance use disorder (addiction), we will help you with every other step in your recovery, starting with drug detox and moving into behavioral therapy, holistic treatments, and aftercare services.

The need for a professional drug detox program for residents living in Los Angeles comes from the changes that frequent drug abuse causes in your body and brain chemistry. Repeated abuse of physically addictive drugs such as heroin causes your body to have to adapt, changing the natural systems in your body to account for the presence and effects of the drug. Eventually, this new balance can only be maintained by further drug abuse and when a person tries to stop, the imbalance in their system leads to withdrawal symptoms.

Some of the most important things to know about the purpose of drug detox include the following:

  1. Medications provided help to manage your withdrawal symptoms by helping to wean your body off the drugs so that your system can find natural balance again.
  2. You will have round-the-clock care at accredited, luxury rehab facilities such as Novo Detox to help you with your symptoms, comfort, and general well-being so that you can recover as safely as possible.
  3. Being in an inpatient medical detox helps to remove you from negative influences helping you not relapse during this crucial time.
  4. It helps you to start your recovery on the right foot, setting you on a path to long-term recovery.
  5. It helps prevent drug overdose due to a person relapsing after they have a lowered tolerance level.
  6. It helps you to overcome the physical dependence on drugs so that the path to treating the underlying causes of addiction can be focused on

Drug Detox Los Angeles: When is Drug Detox Necessary?

Drug detox is an important part of many drug-addicted people’s recoveries, but when exactly is it time to seek professional care for your drug detox? We will look at some of the signs that drug detox may be necessary for you or someone you care about.

  • You are currently struggling to quit drugs
  • You have relapsed before after quitting
  • You are being overwhelmed by your withdrawal symptoms and cravings
  • You don’t think you’ll be able to stop alone
  • You have a prior medical condition that may make detox more difficult
  • You want to stop using drugs and achieve long-term sobriety through a comprehensive drug addiction treatment program
  • You are addicted to a physically addictive drug such as heroin, cocaine, or meth
  • You don’t have a suitable space to detox
  • You are fearful of stopping and what it might mean for your health and mental wellbeing

To discover the benefits of addiction treatment at Novo Detox and start the admission process, click here to call (844) 834-1777 today.

How Long Does Drug Detox Take?

The detoxification process is relatively short compared to how long you may have been abusing drugs. Generally, it takes about a week of detox before you feel normal again and ready for the next stages of your recovery. The average recovery time in detox is about 5 to 10 days depending on a few factors such as the type of drug, the severity of the addiction, and personal biological factors.

Symptoms usually start within a few hours of stopping and can take 24 hours. By the second to the third day of detox, you can expect your symptoms to peak, revealing the most severe part of your detox, which is a medical detox program made much easier through the use of medication. You’ll feel much better by the fifth day as your body adjusts to normal.

Novo Detox LA| Drug Detox in Los Angeles

What Comes After Drug Detox?

Detox doesn’t treat the underlying causes of your addiction; it only treats the physical dependence that has been formed, helping you to get through your withdrawal symptoms but it doesn’t treat the real reason why you abused drugs in the first place.

After your medical detox program in Los Angeles at Novo Detox, we highly encourage you to further your recovery by participating in an inpatient and/or outpatient rehab program. In these programs, you’ll receive important treatment which includes behavioral therapy, access to dual diagnosis treatment, and holistic treatments. These treatments and therapies will help to treat the real causes of your addiction so that long-term recovery is possible.

Dual diagnosis is a treatment used to treat co-occurring mental health disorders. Co-occurring mental health disorders are common in addiction cases, where a mental health disorder such as post-traumatic stress disorder co-occurs with addiction, which is also a mental health disorder (substance use disorder).

Can I Keep My Job While Going Through Drug Detox?

Since drug detox is generally a short-term process lasting between 5 and 10 days, you will be able to keep your job and get a professional medical detox by either using your standard leave or applying for your FMLA leave which is unpaid leave that allows you to seek treatment for things such as addiction without the risk of losing your job.

FMLA and ADA legislation is there to help employees get treatment for addiction without fearing losing their job. This applies to other treatment programs such as an inpatient drug rehab program available at Novo after detox.

Drug Detox Los Angeles: Novo in Los Angeles Is the Right Place to Get Help

Novo Detox is a luxury, Joint Commission accredited, California Department of Health Care Services accredited, and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) accredited drug addiction treatment center in Los Angeles with world-class drug detox programs offered at our Los Angeles location. We have an excellent turn-around time for our detox program admissions with admissions taking as little as 24 hours to process.

We will provide you with round-the-clock care where a medical team will continually monitor your detox and ensure that you are as comfortable and safe as possible. After detox, we can provide you with a comprehensive addiction treatment plan to help you through every important step in the addiction recovery process.

Call Novo Detox in Los Angeles today at (844) 834-1777 to receive same-day admission to our world-class medical detox program for drugs.

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Novo Detox LA| health care services
Novo Detox LA| Novo Detox Center Los Angeles
Novo Detox LA| Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Novo Detox LA| Novo Detox Center Los Angeles