Drug Rehab in Austin: How Do I Get Started?

November 8, 2022 | Addiction Treatment

Novo Detox LA| drug rehab in Austin

When Is the Right Time to Go to Drug Rehab?

Coming to terms with drug abuse and that you may be struggling with addiction is not easy. There continues to be a stigma related to drug addiction and rehab, which may stop people from getting the help they need. Several other challenges prevent individuals from realizing they have an addiction issue and getting treatment. For one, denial is a defense mechanism and an enormous factor in admitting you cannot control your drug use anymore.

Addiction is a slow process, and as it worsens, it affects several aspects of your life more and more. The initial stages of addiction are milder, and you may not see the negative consequences as severely to realize you need help controlling your substance abuse. You may feel you can still stop anytime you want and are simply choosing not to. However, getting help as soon as possible will better your chances at long-term recovery and may require less intensive forms for treatment.

You should know that addiction treatment is tailored to each individual. Many people have a generalized idea that drug rehab includes intensive inpatient treatment in a sterile environment with “junkies.” However, drug addiction treatment is quite fluid and can be just going to a counselor a few times a week if the substance abuse is mild enough.

To discover the benefits of addiction treatment at Novo Detox and start the admission process, click here to call (844) 834-1777 today.

Signs that you may need professional addiction treatment from rehab in Austin include:

  • Using more drugs or more often than intended
  • Lack of control or inability to stay away from substance
  • Developing a tolerance or dependence on the substance
  • You are abandoning other activities you enjoy because of substance use
  • Friends and family have expressed concern about your drinking or drug use
  • Experiencing financial troubles due to substance abuse
  • Experiencing work or school problems, including poor performance or frequent absences
  • Substance use has started to interfere with time spent with family or handling responsibilities
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not using
  • Seeking out situations or events with the substance will be present
  • Risk-taking tendencies
  • Wanting to continue using the substance despite the result of negative consequences
  • Increased secrecy or lying about the amount used or time spent using a substance
  • Changes in mood, including irritability, depression, and anxiety
  • Loss in cognitive function or memory
  • Constant fatigue or illnesses
  • Abrupt changes in weight

Novo Detox LA| drug rehab in Austin

How Do You Get Into Drug Rehab Treatment?

Once you have decided you need help for drug or alcohol abuse, you may not be sure where to begin. Choosing a rehab center can be overwhelming if you start searching online. Thousands of rehab centers will pop up, with some promising miracle cures. You should know that the best rehab centers will not offer therapy. Instead, they will provide personalized treatment plans and be honest about the hard work you will need to put in. You also need to figure out what needs you have for rehabilitation, such as:

  • Type of program(s) you will need (i.e., drug detox, inpatient treatment, or outpatient treatment).
  • If they take your insurance or if the costs of that rehab fit your budget.
  • Do you need dual diagnosis treatment? If you are also struggling with mental health disorders, co-occurring disorder treatment is necessary for success.
  • What kind of amenities is important for you, such as private rooms, chef-prepared meals, comfortable common areas, and an outdoor area?
  • Would you rather be close to home and loved ones, or do you need to get far away for privacy purposes?

Most drug rehabilitation programs begin with a simple phone call. Once you have found a few rehab centers that fit your needs, you should contact them directly and learn more about their programs. They will walk you through their admission process and how soon you can start.

See how Suboxone is used in addiction treatment here:

How Suboxone Is Used in Addiction Treatment

What to Expect During an Initial Call

Knowing what to expect from an initial call can help calm some insecurities you may be feeling. When you call a recovery center, you will talk to admissions or intake specialists, and it is also common for a receptionist to answer and redirect calls. It is important to note that admissions specialists double as a sales team and are trying to sell you on their rehab center’s treatment program.

Admissions specialists will begin with an initial assessment through a series of questions to learn more about you, your current condition, your substance abuse history, and any personal needs you may have. This initial consultation aims to determine your treatment program needs and the levels of care you may need. If both of you feel like the rehab center meets your needs, they will begin the admissions process. This may include verifying your insurance or taking a payment method, planning your trip and travel arrangements to the rehab facility, and providing you with information on how to prepare for rehab.

What to Expect During Rehab Treatment

What you can expect from rehab treatment will vary greatly depending on the type of program. You may start with medical detox, which involves around-the-clock supervision from a medical team and medication-assisted treatment to ease withdrawals and cravings. During this phase of treatment, you can expect to spend most of your time in your room as you will not feel well. As you begin to feel better, you can start participating in individual and group therapy to address the underlying causes of your addiction.

Residential inpatient treatment will require you to live at the facility full-time. Your days will be highly structured and scheduled to provide sufficient addiction treatments and help you begin to build a routine, which is a crucial tool for managing addiction. Outpatient treatment is available in various intensity levels, but all require you to live at home or in a sober living facility. Outpatient programs are a significant step down from inpatient treatment, or you may start there if your addiction is mild. Depending on your program, you will travel to the treatment facility several days a week for a certain number of hours, and weekly hours of treatment are reduced as you progress.

All levels of care include the same types of addiction treatment that aim to help you overcome your addiction’s physical, psychological, and behavioral aspects. Treatment plans are personalized as well to treat your unique issues. You can expect the bulk of treatment to comprise various individual and group therapy sessions, family therapy, and relapse prevention planning. Some rehab centers will also include holistic therapies such as massage, acupuncture, and meditation.

Contact Novo Detox Today

If you are struggling with drug addiction and want more information on how a drug rehab center can give you control of your life again, please call us at Novo Detox. Our addiction specialists are always ready to answer your questions and can provide you with a more personalized look at what your rehab program may look like. We are an integrative luxury rehab facility in Los Angeles that serves Austin, Texas residents. Many clients travel from Austin to our unique treatment facility for added privacy. Our holistic treatment program and intimate six-bedroom facility allow us to give you more personalized care, and our first-class evidence-based addiction treatments have helped many overcome addiction long-term. Call us at (844) 834-1777 today to learn more.

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