Fear of Alcohol Withdrawal: 8 Ways To Cope With Symptoms

August 3, 2022 | Addiction Treatment , Detox

Novo Detox LA| fear of alcohol withdrawal

Being Afraid of Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

When you have been living with active alcohol addiction, you undoubtedly have wondered what life would be like if you quit drinking. You know that you want to see what life is after you have stopped drinking, but there are some questions or reservations that you may have about the alcohol detox process. For some, you may have tried to quit drinking on your own or run out of alcohol and begun to feel the onset of symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Symptoms can range from mild to severe alcohol withdrawal, causing significant side effects that can be uncomfortable or unpleasant. 

Your fear of detoxing from alcohol can be put to rest with the proper support of a medical detox that will support you in safely overcoming alcoholism with the guidance of medical professionals. Frequently, the fear of alcohol withdrawal is developed from the fear of the unknown and lack of knowledge about the alcohol detox process. 

To discover the benefits of addiction treatment at Novo Detox and start the admission process, click here to call (844) 834-1777 today.

How to Cope With Your Fear of Alcohol Withdrawal

When you are ready to address your alcohol consumption in an alcohol rehab program, you will want to ensure that you are focused on attending addiction treatment and overcoming your fear of withdrawal. Different coping strategies will help you leave your home and leave your fear behind to begin your alcohol treatment programs. The following are methods you can use to cope with your fear of alcohol withdrawal: 

  1. Speak with your doctor to seek medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment suggestions that best suit you and your needs for detox and treatment. 
  2. Contact an addiction treatment program to ask any questions that you may have regarding the medical detox or alcohol withdrawal process. 
  3. Educating yourself about what is to come will often help to relieve anxiety or worry about what is to come in your addiction treatment process. 
  4. Attend in-person or online recovery meetings, including alcoholics anonymous, that will support you in connecting with other individuals in alcohol addiction recovery. As you form trusting relationships with others in recovery, you will be able to share and learn from each other’s experience withdrawal symptoms, including methods of coping with the severity of chronic alcohol withdrawal symptoms. 
  5. Avoid withdrawing from alcohol cold turkey. Some medical professionals specialize in supporting individuals in safe alcohol detox processes through medical detox processes. 
  6. Engage in calming activities such as listening to music, going for a walk, or journaling. Find a way that speaks to you and your needs that will help to calm your nerves and keep you focused on safely detoxing from alcohol.
  7. Remember that you are not alone in your addiction treatment process. Reach out to your loved ones for support and guidance as you embark on your recovery journey. 
  8. Take care of your physical health by ensuring that you eat healthy, drink lots of water, and exercise regularly. Maintaining and taking care of your physical body helps ease anxiety symptoms, improve sleep quality, and maintain mental health. 

Learn about the signs of alcoholism in our blog below:

Am I Drinking Too Much? 15 Signs of Alcoholism

Supervised Alcohol Detox at Novo Detox

At Novo Detox, patients are ready to start overcoming alcoholism through our individualized treatment programs. Our team of medical professionals will support you in addressing your dependence on alcohol within our medical detox program. As you progress through your alcohol withdrawal symptoms, you will be continuously monitored by medical professionals and addiction therapists who will support you in overcoming any severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

You will be provided with the support of behavioral therapy, medication-assisted treatment if needed, and dual diagnosis treatment for any patients living with a mental health disorder. Your comfortability and safety are our highest priority, and we work hard to ensure that you can remain relaxed and at ease as you begin your newfound life in addiction recovery. Contact Novo Detox at (844) 834-1777 to speak with one of our admission specialists and get on the road to recovery today. 

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