The First Signs of Opioid Withdrawal

What Happens When You Quit Opioids?
When it comes to opioid addiction one thing is certain, the thought of going through withdrawal is about as appealing as your worst nightmare. It conjures up scenes of dark rooms with no sunlight and flickering light bulbs, grayish linens crumpled into balls, unbathed addicts with greasy, sweat-soaked hair plastered to their faces, rocking back and forth, and whimpering as they hang on to the toilet bowl for dear life. Yeah, nobody wants that.
Thankfully, addiction treatment has come a long way since those days. Detox centers now treat opioid withdrawal syndrome using medically assisted approaches that ensure your safety and comfort. At Novo Detox, we employ the latest innovations in drug detox and withdrawal currently available. If you’re ready to stop taking opioids, we’re ready to help.
It doesn’t take much to develop opioid dependence. Not only do they bring pain relief from physical trauma, but taking them also brings on feelings of euphoria. And it’s not just happening in your brain. The opioid receptors in your gastrointestinal tract and spine are equally affected. Your entire body adjusts to having these drugs in your system. When you stop taking opioids, your body needs time to readjust and bring things back into balance. These readjustments are what we know as the symptoms of opioid withdrawal.
Opioid Withdrawal: The First Signs
Most addicts report the onset of withdrawal symptoms anywhere from six to twelve hours after their last use. Depending on your age, health, and personal substance abuse history, you may experience mild, moderate, or severe levels of opioid withdrawal symptoms. The presence of any existing dual diagnosis disorders will also impact your experience. Early signs of opiate withdrawal may include:
- Anxiety
- Excessive sweating
- Excessive yawning
- Insomnia
- Muscle aches
- Restlessness
- Runny nose
- Teary eyes
How to Deal With Opioid Withdrawal
There are several ways to approach the management of opioid withdrawal. With one of the safest options, MAT (medication-assisted treatment) specialists monitor your progress during medical detox and, depending on where your symptoms fall on the clinical opiate withdrawal scale (COWS), administer medication to alleviate the severity and speed the process forward.
Others choose to address their opioid use disorder by slowly weaning themselves off the drug and keeping their symptoms of withdrawal manageable. This approach works best when medically supervised, although the risk of relapsing remains. Given that your body has already begun its own readjustment process, your tolerance will have diminished while your risk of overdose and death has increased. Talk to a doctor about setting up an appropriate plan and keep them up to date on your progress.
Older methods seem downright barbaric in light of medical advancements in addiction treatment. Quitting cold turkey is not only unnecessarily harsh, but it’s also dangerous. Once opioid detoxification hits its peak, the intensity of withdrawal symptoms is enough to send even the most well-intentioned addict out for more drugs.
Learn what to expect during opiate detox and treatment below:
Opioid Detox Treatment at Novo Detox
Opioid addiction affects millions of people all across the globe. Here in America, prescription opioids lit the spark for what has become a national crisis. You’ll find countless research papers available online from The National Library of Medicine, the Cochrane database, and PubMed Central all focused on ending the suffering and loss of life attributed to opioid addiction. But these solutions take time.
You don’t have to wait. If you or a loved one is in need of opioid addiction treatment, call Novo Detox at (844) 834-1777 today. Our treatment centers offer the latest in opioid detox and a team of qualified professionals to see you through every phase of substance abuse treatment.