How to Cope with Your Insomnia During Detox

August 26, 2022 | Detox

Novo Detox LA| Insomnia During Detox

Why Insomnia Is Common During Detox

Addiction treatment for alcohol addiction or drug addiction can begin with medical detox as one of the options. Taking the step to receive treatment for your substance use disorder is an excellent decision, and at Novo Detox, we have levels of care that can help you during every stage of your alcohol or drug rehab. Addiction rehab can be a tough road at times, and that’s why it’s so important to work with a group of dedicated professionals like our team at Novo Detox. They are fully committed to you successfully beginning your drug or alcohol recovery.

Drug abuse and alcohol abuse can both affect healthy sleep patterns. Beginning a rehab program with drug or alcohol detox is a great idea but can also disrupt your regular sleep. We can help you with your sleep habits and sleep quality as part of our medical detox program.

Sleep disturbance often occurs during drug or alcohol detox because your body tries to adjust to normal sleep patterns that you are attempting to establish when you quit drinking or using drugs. This may sound a little backward, but when people struggle with a substance use disorder, they often disregard healthy habits like eating right, regular exercise, and proper sleep hygiene. So when sleeping habits are trying to be re-established, the body is not exactly sure how to react at first. This effect is compounded by the fact that you are also most likely experiencing withdrawal symptoms as you detox, further disturbing your sleep patterns and quality. You can also try several tips for dealing with withdrawal insomnia during the detox process and afterward in addiction therapy.

To discover the benefits of addiction treatment at Novo Detox and start the admission process, click here to call (844) 834-1777 today.

How to Reduce Insomnia During Detox

Insomnia during detox recovery is common as an individual works through many changes in their life that affect their mind, body, and spirit. Insomnia is simply the term used when someone consistently can’t fall asleep or stay asleep for several reasons. Here are some tips for dealing with withdrawal insomnia that you should try if you are having problems with regular sleep during alcohol withdrawal, drug withdrawal, and the detox process:

Practice Relaxation Techniques

A good idea for anyone who wants to establish good sleep habits, whether in addiction or abuse treatment, is to have a relaxing bedtime routine. This can include taking a warm bath, reading a book, or listening to calming music. Screen time should be avoided, including on phones, laptops, tablets, and T.V.

Exercise Regularly

Healthy sleep is often achieved through various tactics, and when you exercise regularly, you definitely check one of the boxes. Activity improves sleep and can boost your body’s immune system, improve cardiac health, and decrease stress and anxiety.

Avoid Napping

Napping during the day can throw off your circadian rhythm, which is your body’s internal clock that keeps your sleep patterns in place. Naps longer than 30 minutes can disrupt this and make it difficult to fall asleep at night.

Why Good Sleep Is Key to Recovery

During drug or alcohol recovery, your body is healing and establishing a regular sleep schedule will assist with this process. A good sleeping schedule will also make you more alert during the day and allow you to focus more on your treatment programs.

Detox Programs for Drugs and Alcohol at Novo Detox

Our exceptional medical detox programs at Novo Detox include regular sleep, exercise, healthy meals, and much more. Please call us at (844) 834-1777 to discuss any of our levels of care today to find out how we can help you live a happier, healthier lifestyle.

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